Home Gaming Watch every Super Smash Bros taunt re-enacted masterfully by an Internet Dad

Watch every Super Smash Bros taunt re-enacted masterfully by an Internet Dad

1 min read

Dem moves

Contrary to popular belief, Super Smash Bros isn’t all about hitting your opponent/s off the stage. It’s about asserting dominance, showing the enemy who’s boss, and if you’re good enough, taunting them inbetween all the nonstop action. 51 characters with 3 taunts each means there is a total of 153 ways in which to belittle your quarry. Which one is the best though?

It’s tough to say. What we need to do is breakdown each animation, understand what makes them tick, analyse each and every single ok I’m done talking rubbish. All I really wanted you to do is watch this Internet Dad re-enact each and every single taunt from Nintendo’s latest brawler. Depending on what kind of YouTube viewer you are, you’ll either cringe or giggle. It matters not, watch the video right this second!

That timing is pretty much spot on (for the most part). WHAT DECICATION! What really stood out though is the fact that the video, at time of writing, is closing in on 50k hits.Why is this a big deal? Well, the uploader, Nick Luciano, currently has less than 100 subscribers. I smell Internet fame, and expect to see, oh I don’t know, music remixes or something! Make it so Internet… make it so.

What will Nick ask his dad to do next?

Last Updated: April 30, 2015


  1. “Sonic Speed” was perhaps the best one (towards the end). I want to see that as a meme or gif in the future.


  2. Mainah

    May 1, 2015 at 19:06

    Loved it. LOL! What a good sport he was!


  3. Patrick Ochoa

    May 2, 2015 at 15:59

    lazygamer———-……. SEE MORE INFO <–


  4. LtRaine

    May 3, 2015 at 07:47

  5. William Leblanc

    May 3, 2015 at 14:53

    lazygamer………….> SEE MORE INFO<–


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