Home Gaming Being a gamer shouldn’t be easier for straight white males

Being a gamer shouldn’t be easier for straight white males

6 min read

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I hate being labelled. Being a straight, white male has essentially made me an enemy of thousands online, directly through the actions of a large portion of my mutual cultural pool. I hate that through an association that I have no control over, I’m being discriminated against despite not directly contributing to the problem. I am, however, a proud, straight, white male gamer.

To start, this is an opinion piece by the author indicated and does not represent the views of the publication or its staff.

I have no other say in the matter, because declaring the opposite would imply a hatred of who I am. I can’t do that, but I can acknowledge that through the cultural lottery that is life, I have acquired a benefit in my preferred hobby that should, in principle, never exist.

Despite having no involvement in a new video she posted yesterday, Anita Sarkeesian once again shook gaming social media worldwide with 25 Invisible Benefits of Gaming While Male. It featured an all male cast comprised of some of the most influential media personalities, journalists and game developers in this industry, many of whom I respect and hold in high regard. But this isn’t the reason why I found myself agreeing with nearly every single one of the 25 points made. Gaming for me as a male, in general, is a far more relaxed andworry free experience – based solely on the fact that I was not born a woman.

That isn’t what Sarkeesian’s renowned internet series, Tropes Vs Women in Video Games, is about, but it does go to great lengths to explain why gaming as a female can often be a torturous affair. The gaming market share between genders may be far more even now, but that doesn’t change the fact that the majority of games are still predominantly marketed to satiate a male power fantasy. It’s not as black and white as say, the inexplicable marking off of gender sections in a toy store, but the divide still remains. Gaming falls prey to tropes that originated at a time where gaming had to pick a side to survive,and replicating them in a modern day where no such action is required.

That’s what Skarkeesian targets in her campaign, and it’s brought to light fundamental flaws in game design as a whole that we, as consumers, may have never realized or fully understood. Her videos may not always support her claims with a soundly structured argument, but that doesn’t always matter. What matters is that her points are all still extremely valid, completely viable points. Gaming is often sexist, whether it is be down to the marketing of a product or all the way up at conceptual design. To dismiss that single fact is to compound the problem tenfold.

And it’s for that simple reason why the video above is so important. As a male gamer, I’ve often been afforded benefits that have remained completely invisible to me. I’ll admit that, even in my more mature understanding of sexism in gaming and its reliance on aging tropes, that some of the points still caught me by surprise. At first I felt bad – bad that through a twist of fate I had no control over I was being unfairly lifted higher than fellow gamers and treated differently for no justifiable reason. That sounds terribly self-loathing, but it’s not what the video is actually pushing.

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The aim of the video isn’t to make male gamers feel terrible about who they are. If it were, it wouldn’t have been presented by that very demographic. Instead it’s a call, much like Sarkeesian’s own videos, for change. A change that ultimately starts with us as a community. It’s easy to point towards game developers and let them shoulder the majority of the blame, but unless the demographic they’re developing for changes, it doesn’t really matter.

If the gaming community doesn’t fully understand why Game A is sexist and Game B isn’t, then what do design shifts actually achieve? Developers could cast more female leads, and create atmospheres where gender is better represented, but to a community that has been indoctrinated to believe that gaming, at it’s core, is a male hobby, it makes no sense. That attempt at reformation is lost because the people that developers are trying to reform don’t understand that there was a problem to begin with – which is again why Sarkeesian’s work is vitally important, even if not always approached in the best way. Yes, the majority of AAA sales do tip the scales favourably towards men – a factor that publishers can’t ignore –  but could that be because woman feel excluded? Definitely.

These benefits should not be reserved for men. This list is not meant to suggest that male gamers are always treated well. Sometimes we are bullied, or subjected to online nastiness. But it’s not based on or because of our gender.

It’s essentially what the video leaves as a final message. Male gamers aren’t immune to the common nastiness that is packaged with gaming, especially online, but none of this is directed towards us because of our gender. And without identifying this as an underlying problem, it will continue to spread.

In order to make change, first we need to acknowledge the problem. And then we must take responsibility for it as a community, so we can actively work together, with people of all genders, to dismantle the parts of gaming culture that perpetuate these imbalances.

In principle it’s very easy to dismiss a checklist such as this and just wish that everyone would get along and play the games they love. What’s not easy to understand is that such a dismissal goes against the very idea you hope to see. Ignoring or, even worse, arguing against the existence of benefits attributed to male gamers undermines the efforts to transform our community into a more understanding one, ultimately destroying the hopes of ever having an environment where everyone is truly comfortable.

If you still find yourself brushing off claims of sexism in gaming but still hope to see a time where everyone can truly just enjoy the game they want to play, then I implore you to consider if that’s something you actually believe in.

All people, of all genders, must be treated with respect and dignity. Together, we can make gaming better. Together, we will make gaming better.

I want to be part of a community where if I’m labelled at all my only label is that of being a gamer – nothing more, nothing less.

Last Updated: December 4, 2014


  1. Oooooooh. It’s like she took an Anthro 101 course. Good on you, Anita.


  2. Captain JJ the fair

    December 4, 2014 at 12:15

    Lazygamer has a cabbage as a journalist, it doesn’t get more liberal than that.


    • Hammersteyn

      December 4, 2014 at 12:21



    • Reid

      December 4, 2014 at 12:22

      Yes, but it’s still a male cabbage.


      • Captain JJ the fair

        December 4, 2014 at 12:23

        I’ll leave it to you to dig through those leaves to prove it 😉


        • Reid

          December 4, 2014 at 12:25

          Well there is a mental image I would rather not have.


          • Captain JJ the fair

            December 4, 2014 at 12:26


    • RinceThis

      December 4, 2014 at 13:22

      HAHAHA! GC?


    • hairyknees

      December 4, 2014 at 13:51

      There are two…



      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 13:52

        two cabbageabbages?


        • hairyknees

          December 4, 2014 at 14:15



          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 14:43

            Excellent usage of the one Afrikaans word you know! 😀

          • hairyknees

            December 4, 2014 at 16:08


  3. Quo Vadis?

    December 4, 2014 at 12:17

    you know what we need in games? Girls in fantasy costumes. with bigger tits.


    • Brion Shaunson

      January 9, 2015 at 23:02

      that pop out more occasionally too


  4. Dutch Matrix

    December 4, 2014 at 12:18

    Soooo… The problem is not gaming as such, but rather the douchebag behind the controller/keyboard? Am I wrong? Please if I am, tell me. Seriously.


    • Reid

      December 4, 2014 at 12:21

      Yeah which is why I often just mute other players when I play online. The only times I don’t mute is when I’m playing with people I know


      • Captain JJ the fair

        December 4, 2014 at 12:25

        I don’t play many online games, but these guys tend to only really be present in certain games. Things like BF and COD are full these bags, but other games I’ve played have only been great.
        I like to stick to smaller groups when I play online though, because guys who mess around tend to get kicked easier then.


  5. I'm really feeling it! (Umar)

    December 4, 2014 at 12:19

    “If you still find yourself brushing off claims of sexism in gaming but still hope to see a time where everyone can truly just enjoy the game they want to play, then I implore you to consider if that’s something you actually believe in.”

    How true Alessandro……I really like this piece. We all want to have that environment where we can play and enjoy games equally, yet when someone actually brings to light legitimate issues, it gets brushed off. There is a legitimate problem…and it needs to be called out and we need to stand up against it. We don’t have to like her in order to get behind the ideal.

    This is not only for gaming though. This is for all walks of life. Would you believe people would be indifferent towards me because of my religious beliefs? People that hardly know me. How crazy is it that? We have predefined notions of PEOPLE based on a number of ludicrous criteria. We can’t just brush things off anymore and we can’t just keep quiet in these matters either. There are females being harassed and threatened because of gender ALONE…how is that acceptable????? Around the world people are being killed because of the color of their skin. Realize that discrimination is uniform, be it n gaming, be it anywhere else in life…Don’t brush it off.


    • Alessandro Barbosa

      December 4, 2014 at 12:22

      “There are females being harassed and threatened because of gender ALONE…how is that acceptable?????”

      This, a thousand times over. Thanks for the comment Umar 🙂


      • I'm really feeling it! (Umar)

        December 4, 2014 at 12:24

        Naa dude, thank you, seriously. Its good that we all talk about these things


        • ToshZA

          December 4, 2014 at 12:25

          Group hug?


      • WitWolfy

        December 4, 2014 at 13:25

        Females get harassed everyday, why put gaming in its own category? It’s just a couple of “Anonymous” wannabees who dont have anything else better to do then to troll people with DDoS attacks.


    • Matthew Holliday

      December 4, 2014 at 14:45

      i just wanna get to a time where there can be games for men, games for women and games for both, without someone having to comment on how sexist everything is, everytime a new game comes out.


  6. Reid

    December 4, 2014 at 12:24

    I mostly play offline single player games and the games are usually digital downloads or delivered to me. So yeah a lot of those benefits mentioned are invisible to me.


    • Captain JJ the fair

      December 4, 2014 at 12:27

      Same here, and the same goes for my gf. She has never mentioned anything like that, so it depends greatly where and what you game.
      That said, you shouldn’t have to look out where or what you game, therein lies the problem.


  7. Hammersteyn

    December 4, 2014 at 12:31

    So now what?


    • Guild

      December 4, 2014 at 12:39

      We get shaved, skinned, gender removed, religion banned, height and size changed to the same, thoughts removed, eye color removed. Think that’s everything and that way we all look identical and all act the same. Then there is no problem.


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 12:42

        No, it means “don’t be a dick” for no reason.


        • Hammersteyn

          December 4, 2014 at 12:51

          Maturity is something few people achieve in their lifetime. That’s another problem


          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 12:52

            Yes, I’m half convinced that as soon as you figure life out that’s when you die. The game’s rigged.

        • Spathi

          December 4, 2014 at 12:52

          Emperor Trevor, I know the ways of the human race are not always known to you, but us humans don’t need a reason to be dicks. Unfortunately, most of us just are. I support complete annihilation of the human race!



        • Captain JJ the fair

          December 4, 2014 at 13:31

          I think it’s very considerate of you to at least have reason behind it in your case. 😉


          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 13:50

            lol yes. I nearly left that out, then realised I’m often a dick. But for really, REALLY good reasons though.

        • Guild

          December 4, 2014 at 13:32

          Hey, the use of the term “dick” is derogatory to me as a male.

          Jokes aside, I agree. It’s the very ugly side of online gaming. I’ve heard plenty while playing CoD. That’s why I’m always in party chat because I couldn’t be bothered to hear about my momma or any other member of my family. Most people I see online now are in party chat to avoid this.


          • Captain JJ the fair

            December 4, 2014 at 13:35

            I enjoy Steam chat or Skype for this reason. We’re usually three or four friends who join an online game, so we have an open chat through Steam or Skype and use push to talk in the game to communicate with other gamers

          • Eric

            December 4, 2014 at 16:05

            Skype has Push to Talk? :O

          • Captain JJ the fair

            December 4, 2014 at 16:39

            Push to talk of the game, sorry. I realise now that comment is a bit confusing.

          • Eric

            December 5, 2014 at 08:15

            I wasn’t even joking. It’s a feature I would love on Skype

        • Tom Krager

          December 4, 2014 at 14:38

          telling children to not troll is kind of a futile coarse


        • Brion Shaunson

          January 9, 2015 at 23:15

          funny how one always speaks in behalf of the whole


      • Reid

        December 4, 2014 at 12:47

        So like this mascot?


        • Guild

          December 4, 2014 at 13:26

          That about sums it up, just without the smile because I don’t think we would be smiling anymore since we aren’t individuals


      • Hammersteyn

        December 4, 2014 at 12:49

        I’ll make the cool aid.


      • Deceased

        December 4, 2014 at 13:18

        THIS!!!! ^

        Because… You know… Why have a tedious and boring individuality…

        Kind of makes me wonder what ‘creative’ ways people will think of to make more cash moneyz… Said this yesterday and still feeling strongly that this woman, Sarkeesian, saw a market gap to exploit and get fat stacks at the cost of an industry which kind of organically solved its own problems…

        The core of the fantasy world in which we escaped to earlier was: “Man overcomes obstacles to save damsel in distress” – Mario … Today it’s more “Either gender creates a party to overcome obstacles to save the world” – Dragon Age … We’ve moved away from the ‘male dominated’ realm to a more open minded one, all without someone who studied BA Communication, realized that you can’t make fat stacks with it, switched to MA Social and Political Thought and VICTIMISED an entire group of people for personal gain.

        Looking at other industries, I think it SHOULD become apparent what’s going on here…
        If I’m not mistaken, the Metal genre in music faced similar problems with feminists claiming that it’s a genre that alienates women and is full of misogynistic pigs ( you know… cause it’s a quick way to attack a group of identities and make quick money ) … Yet Angela Gossow of Arch Enemy laughed at these claims… If you go and dig deeper, not just skim the mainstream bands, there’s a very large amount of females in the metal genre with even full bands comprised of only female members who are insanely epic ( Kitty ).

        Let me phrase it this way…

        Would Sarkeesian continue this campaign of hers for absolutely no remuneration and or sponsorships whilst paying for it out of her own pocket?! If you want to take something seriously… ask that question? Who’s reaping the most benefits out of all this?


        • Quo Vadis?

          December 4, 2014 at 13:37

          I agree totally!


        • Eric

          December 4, 2014 at 14:02

          Maria Brink from In This Moment. Damn her voice is so hot. If I was a woman I’d totally go lesbian for her voice.


          • Deceased

            December 4, 2014 at 14:13

            Alissa White-Gluz is my all-time favourite metal front-person, when she was in The Agonist, they ranked about 3rd on my favourite metal band scale… THEN SHE BECAME FRONT WOMAN FOR ARCH ENEMY WHICH IS MY FAVOURITE METAL BAND!!! XD

      • Jack

        December 5, 2014 at 02:00

        religion banned ? so much for freedom !!


  8. Raptor Rants A Lot

    December 4, 2014 at 12:42

    I understand what you are saying Alessandro and I agree with your sentiment. However, I still don’t think what she is doing is right.

    Her efforts, while commendable and completely justified, is causing more of a rift than anything else. Her videos, when broken down like you did now, are good at pointing out the flaws but they also make male gamers feel bad. Yes, it’s not the point of the videos to do so, but it does.

    Isn’t there a healthier way to do this? Instead of saying that men are so freaking privileged can’t she rather make videos that uplift woman in gaming instead of making it seem like they are being oppressed and that it’s all because of us straight, male gamers?

    Why not make a 25invisible reasons it’s awesome to be a female gamer?

    There are so many benefits to being a female gamer that people tend to overlook. One being that in a male dominated hobby there are changes happening at a rapid pace with the industry trying to be more inclusive of not only woman, but all other walks of life.

    How awesome it must be to have an entire industry shift focus due to you simply being a woman and people realising that woman are as important as men for the industry.

    But no, she acts like no one is stepping up to the plate to take action. She acts as if she and her fellow woman are the only ones fighting this fight and that no one cares.

    Everyone cares about it and unfortunately yes, testosterone filled men who were themselves bullied/ are being bullied at school are making life difficult for all around them (Straight male, bi male, straight woman, bi woman) and yes they are far more vocal towards woman. No one can deny that. Pretending it doesn’t happen is stupid and doesn’t help.

    But I still believe this argument of “We are being oppressed” should rather be turned in to “Look how we are changing the industry to include everyone! We are part of that and it is amazing that developers and the gaming community are taking notice” because lets face it, the changes ARE happening. People ARE noticing. People ARE standing up for the cause. People ARE becoming more tolerant while becoming less tolerant of the people who try to break down woman and people of other walks of life.

    The industry isn’t against woman and people like Anita Sarkeesian need to see that and work with the industry instead of against it and its community. Especially considering that 50% of gamers are female. The community is no longer as male dominated as it always was so please, please stop pretending like woman find it difficult to get in to gaming when that clearly is no longer the case.


    • Caveshen Rajman

      December 5, 2014 at 21:31

      It fascinates me that in comments sections such as these, there are many women commenting and sharing their views, and they don’t seem to be getting attacked or harassed for it — or at the very least, they are harassed just as much as anyone else in a comments section is. It’s as if there’s this whole other world away from what I’m used to, when I watch things like this. Granted, I do think the video has a lot of merit, even if just as critique.

      But being brown, I also sometimes feel as if that’s not the only side of the conversation, re: gender, and that there’s a lot more to be said although hopefully later, once the gender issue has been sorted out.


  9. Matthew Holliday

    December 4, 2014 at 12:44

    she troll baited every gaming jouranlist on the planet.
    wp to her.


  10. Alien Emperor Trevor

    December 4, 2014 at 12:46

    Well said Sandy. It wasn’t about making men feel bad, it’s about pointing out that while everyone deals with a lot of the same crap, some people get an extra helping just because of WHAT they are.


    • Hammersteyn

      December 4, 2014 at 12:57

      Well it made me feel like I needed to apologize to the nearest oppressed girl gamer for the industries slant view on gaming and all the online bullying she was exposed to. Yes there is a problem but Ive got 99 problems and this isn’t one of them, I’m aware of it though. I’ve never bullied people online. But I still feel bad.


    • Alex Hicks

      December 4, 2014 at 13:21

      Whilst the intention might not have been to make men feel bad – that’s the result. And what does it achieve? Half of the points are aimed at the community who play, sell and report on games. The other half at game designers.

      What is the desired outcome? I would assume a two-fold response. 1 – a change in attitude of the community to be less sexist; and 2 – a change in video game design to empower women in games.

      How does a video highlighting some possible benefits and (by implication) disadvantages of playing as a certain gender achieve either of these implied outcomes? Would time and resources not be better spent in a targeted campaign against game design studios, and forum/online community managers?

      In other words, I don’t appreciate being dragged into a bun fight over sexism in gaming simply because I meet two criteria, only one of which is in my control – I play games, and I’m a man.


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 13:49

        It doesn’t need to have a measurable outcome of change. It made a point, and it’s stirred up debate (sort of) around an issue other people believe exists.


      • Gizmo

        December 15, 2014 at 23:44

        “I don’t appreciate being [made to feel that I am inferior] in gaming
        simply because I meet two criteria, only one of which is in my control –
        I play games, and I’m a [woman].”


  11. Spathi

    December 4, 2014 at 12:46

    TL;DR – I’m only here for the comments! 😛

    Well written article though(I presume ;))


  12. Nahuel Graziani

    December 4, 2014 at 13:01

    Probably going to receive some hate for this, but here goes.

    I’ve watched Anita’s videos and I understand she’s creating awareness, which is great. I’m all for equality in not just gaming, but every aspect of society. So fundamentally, it’s a good thing.

    However, it makes me irate that me, as a consumer, have to have this forced down my gullet at every opportunity. I don’t create games or have never had any form of input towards the content that is placed in games. I don’t discriminate or alienate, neither do I victimize or threaten, not just women, but anybody. That’s not me, man. I’m just not that guy.

    But then I read online about “male gamer privilege”, I read articles such as this one and it’s title and it makes me think that this whole campaign is not reaching the correct target market. Because it’s like racism and anything else that is divisive – you may not necessarily be sexist or racist, but you apparently reap the benefits of these past injustices and it sort of feels like you have this stigma over you because of the sins of the father.

    And it shouldn’t be this way because that’s not how equality is supposed to work. Don’t know if anybody remembers the Twitter campaign called #DescribeAGamer or something like that, but it painted the male video game consumer as an opponent to equality and lacking social conformity.

    Then there’s the other side of this which is confusing me: What do you expect me to do about it? Everywhere I read about this, there’s this implication that something must be done about it. Which is great and all, but what do you specifically want me to do about it? If I see any form of sexism or discrimination, I actively try to stomp it out as best I can and have been since I recall. If that’s all you want from me, then great, I guess I have nothing else to do in this matter.

    The point I’m trying to make is that yes, these problems exist and should be discussed. Just keep in mind that people are dynamic, vastly different from one another and not everyone feels the same about certain issues. All it takes is one dipshit to send a death threat or rape threat and it sets the whole male gaming community back by a decade once again. In the same light, all it takes is a couple of SWJs to make some negative tweets about how I should feel ashamed for both having a penis and enjoying the current state of gaming to set your cause back as well.

    The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Just try to be awesome to everyone equally.


    • Rags

      December 4, 2014 at 13:10

      What can you do? Donate more money to her!


    • Caveshen Rajman

      December 5, 2014 at 21:33

      At some point the willingness to be on the side of change turns into resentment because we’re ready to see change happen but we’re still being told there are problems and it’s our fault.


  13. Wardonkey

    December 4, 2014 at 13:02

    There isn’t 25 benefits, 11 of the benefits deal with the same issue. Harassment, as a gamer i do not harass or bully anyone, I cant stop the other douches from doing it though so what must i do.

    6 of the points deal with douche bags but as in my previous point, what can i do about that?

    The rest of the points deal with representivity in gaming, as a male what do you expect me to do about that. If you want to be represented you have to make yourself heard, not ask others to speak for you.

    This video was pointless in my opinion.


    • William Francis

      December 4, 2014 at 14:32

      Completely agree. Because I was born a male, I am now the enemy? Sorry, but I was raised to remove gender/race/age/height/shoe-size/walk bias, so no.


  14. Weanerdog

    December 4, 2014 at 13:04

    I try to treat everyone with respect and dignity, I don’t always because hey I am not perfect.

    In saying that I don’t get feminism, equality is a lie. But then again I am a straight male so I probably don’t feel the guilt of being a majority gamer. I am still trying to get over been responsible for most wars, genocides, slavery etc etc.


    • Captain JJ the fair

      December 4, 2014 at 13:09

      At least you can rest well knowing that in this country you won’t get a good job because of what you are.


      • Weanerdog

        December 4, 2014 at 13:14

        I was unemployed for two years, I now work for commission only. Its not like I have an honrous degree and a professional qualification or anything.


        • Captain JJ the fair

          December 4, 2014 at 13:16

          Same here. The people who work above me have high school and get paid four times what I do. They were also employed above me with no experience and I do 90% of their work. Come increases they get double what I do.
          Suddenly being picked on during a game doesn’t sound so bad anymore. ;P


          • Weanerdog

            December 4, 2014 at 13:31

            Out there in the world young girls are having acid thrown in there faces because they are seeking and education, does not quite compare to having some douche, that you will never see, ask to see your tits. And yes cyber bullying is nasty and unacceptable but inconsequential compared to what is really happening out in the world.

  15. Rags

    December 4, 2014 at 13:05

    Can someone please start marketing prada to be more accommodating and inclusive of men. I’d like more male models wearing scarves and handbags please.

    Why can’t games be marketed at men? Why can’t it be marketed as a fantasy like Geniel driving your bakkie of choice?


    • L337J1MB0B

      December 4, 2014 at 13:13

      What stupid flippin irrelevant point.. women’s fashion isn’t marketed at men, because it’s made FOR WOMEN. Gaming isn’t just for men, ask my 6 year old daughter who loves the shit out of playing video games… sheesh.


      • Rags

        December 4, 2014 at 13:15

        No but clothes are made for men too!

        The point is both market exists. Not all games have to appeal to women or men. Want to get more women into gaming? Make a Twilight or 50 shades game.


        • L337J1MB0B

          December 4, 2014 at 13:19

          Ok fair point, but I don’t know if the problem really has anything to do with what games are being made.. there is plenty that can appeal to any gender.


          • Rags

            December 4, 2014 at 13:27

            It would be nice if games can appeal to everyone. But what people are pushing for is that is HAS TO appeal to everyone. It’s now a sin to have a female character with a belly button showing(see Divinity cover) a sin not to include female protagonists etc.

            Its starting to turn into a new religion.

            If women made a game with male strippers, violence against women with a domanatrix as to protagonist. The male community will not even lift an eyebrow and will probably welcome their new female gamers that it will attract.
            But don’t dare release a game with attractive females on the cover for men(and lesbians) to enjoy for 2 seconds!

      • RustedFaith

        December 4, 2014 at 13:20

        Gaming is just for men … not sure what rock you lived under but 90% games are developed for males. So you want to tell me cause your 6 year old daughter plays a game that the industry make games for females.

        Ag please …

        BTW I am talking about real games not candy crush …

        The Sims is the only game i can think of thats made for woman and feminine males …


        • L337J1MB0B

          December 4, 2014 at 13:24

          I’m not disagreeing with you, but the whole point of this debate is that the system is wired wrong at the moment because clearly everyone likes games. Maybe if there wasn’t this perception that gaming is for men then gaming wouldn’t be like it is now where it is largely a guy’s thing.


          • RustedFaith

            December 4, 2014 at 13:26

            Maybe females should open a studio and release games for females then. Sorry to say but if it wasn’t for white males gaming would not exists today. Games are made for males by males …. its as simple as that.

            And if females doesnt like it why must we change the entire industry to accomodate them why cant they create their own studios and create games. I thought woman are supposed to be equal to men. If thats the case then they are perfectly capable of creating games with the same quality if not better than males.

            So why dont they do this and stop bitching about games made for males not catering for females.

          • Rags

            December 4, 2014 at 13:40

            The irony is that when women do make games like Bayonetta, they get attacked by Anita for being sexist. A strong female character may not have any sexual appeal to straight men and lesbians. 🙂

          • Rags

            December 4, 2014 at 13:42

          • Dutch Matrix

            December 4, 2014 at 14:27

            That second tweet is hilarious. So can I now DEMAND that they re-shoot the enire Twilight Saga and recast Edward and Jacob with Nick Frost and Simon Pegg because clearly, those two characters were created only for the sexual pleasure of straight female movie viewers.

      • Tbone187

        December 4, 2014 at 13:30

        Why can’t we have gaming made specifically for men/women just as in fashion?


        • L337J1MB0B

          December 4, 2014 at 13:36

          No I get what you guys are saying now.. I’m fine with certain games being targeted at different genders. I think it’s more just a thing of people’s attitudes toward each other. If you’re a chick in gaming you shouldn’t be disrespected by guys.


          • Tbone187

            December 4, 2014 at 13:43

            Lets face it, some chicks are always trying to be manly and some dudes the other way around (Stop it, I didn’t mean that). Those are the ones usually kicking up a fuss.

  16. L337J1MB0B

    December 4, 2014 at 13:09

    Aww yiss man… just shoosh and play some games already.


    • Deceased

      December 4, 2014 at 13:21

      Awwww yissss *gives dat L337 a hi-5 whether he wanted it or not*


  17. RustedFaith

    December 4, 2014 at 13:14

    “Being a gamer shouldn’t be easier for straight white males”

    Why not if it wasn’t for us gaming would not exist ….

    To be honest all that I notice since females started playing games is them bitching about sexists things. If you are a woman and cant handle being harassed online then get a new hobby. Male gamers have been harassed on-line since the 90’s and much worse than woman get and I hardly see any articles going up.

    So as far as the world is concerned its fine to insult and harass males but let someone insult a woman and the industry have a field day.

    Male gamers play games to escape reality and most of the time is to escape the nagging wife or gf. Now they started playing games and nag and moan about our games.

    If you are a woman and you cant handle online insults or being harassed then you are not cut out for online gaming and I suggest you find another hobby to save us all the drama.

    This is the internet people have always been rude, insulting, disrespectful,racists etc. due to them being faceless people behind a computer screen.

    Its all god and well you want rainbows and unicorns online and I sometimes delude myself to believe it as well but its not. Thats the sad reality if you like it or not ….


    • Richard

      December 4, 2014 at 13:44

      Is it possible to consider that maybe woman are more fearful and less tolerant of online abuse because they might be also experiencing it in other spheres in their life?

      Given the statistics on rape, they might be more sensitive to rape threats than men. Maybe because of casual harassment in public/work, woman might be less forgiving being asked to show their t1ts. Maybe because woman aren’t treated as competent in other areas, they are more sensitive to critique that assumes they can’t play a game cause they are a girl? Given how woman are sexualized in pop media and basically everywhere for everything…. maybe they’d like to be treated like human beings when playing games or enjoying their hobby. Maybe they like to play games where their gender more accurately represents who they are vs what men would want them to be.

      I’m saying it’s easy to have a thick skin when that type of behavior is just for a little while online vs real and actual threats online and offline everyday.

      I find it funny how many guys get riled up each time equality is mentioned, but say woman must have thicker skins and not complain so much.


      • RustedFaith

        December 4, 2014 at 14:07

        I am aware of the sexist attitude in the daily life of woman. But is it fair to take all that rage out on gaming ? Why does no females bitch about the basically naked woman at car shows but just at gaming booths its a problem ?

        If they have issues in real life with sexism they must deal with it there, its no excuse to come and take it out in the gaming scene.

        So basically you say its justified to take it out on the gaming industry if they get harassed somewhere else ?

        So with that argument when a female are rude or disrespects me etc. its ok for me to walk up to the next female I see and take out all my anger on her ?

        Wow just wow …. humans are indeed a lost cause …


        • Richard

          December 4, 2014 at 14:22

          You aren’t following the reasoning. What I’m saying is the argument that men have thick skins and woman should stop (in your words) “bitching”, is flawed. I was trying to convey WHY it’s not a matter of woman who just need to grow a thicker skin. I was trying to create context for their…. “bitching” Some people focus on gaming, while others focus on other areas in the real world. There are many many examples of woman who “bitch” (I’m picking up a vibe here) about the objectification of woman in media, not just gaming. It’s by tackling all different forms of sexism that the overall problem will get addressed.

          But if everyone has the attitude of “no, don’t complain about the thing I like, cause reasons”, then basically woman will have nowhere to address the issue. They aren’t taking it out on the gaming scene, they are voicing their concerns and thoughts in an area they feel they want to participate in.

          Also, very few people who are addressing the issue is taking out their anger and it’s interesting that you perceive it that way. If you feel offended or hurt, I suggest you grow a thicker skin….


  18. RinceThis

    December 4, 2014 at 13:24

    I think everyone is a bastard so no issues here. Moving along.


    • Captain JJ the fair

      December 4, 2014 at 13:27

      That includes you

      bastard ;P


    • Weanerdog

      December 4, 2014 at 13:35

      * deletes inappropriate comment * nothing to see here move along


    • hairyknees

      December 4, 2014 at 13:49

      What a bastard thing to say! 😛 <3


    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      December 4, 2014 at 14:16

      Shut up test tube baby.


    • Hammersteyn

      December 4, 2014 at 14:47



  19. Richard

    December 4, 2014 at 13:29

    Well written article, thank you.

    Something males need to understand is that isolated incidents of sexism in gaming isn’t the only problem. It’s that in the vast majority of the world, women are treated as having less worth or treated as objects, not human beings. Be it in their careers, their homes, their neighborhoods , their online worlds etc. Gaming is adding to an overall problem of sexism and patriarchy in our society. In the end, it’s never just one thing that’s the problem, it’s death by a thousand cuts. Phil Plait explains it much better than I ever can. http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2014/11/17/casual_sexism_when_a_shirt_is_more_than_a_shirt.html

    Even if you don’t agree with the sentiment, how would the world be worse off if we accepted the premise that woman are being marginalized/degraded and that we could do something about. You don’t even have to care, all you have to do is sit passively as the people who do address the issue.

    But every time people go “I believe in equality but… I’m going to explain why it’s not really an issue cause that’s how I feel about it and I’ll even get angry about not caring”, it misses the point and detracts from the actual arguments and merits of the issue.


    • Tom Krager

      December 4, 2014 at 14:59

      women are not treated as object in America and pretty much every other western country. Don’t act like people don’t realize that in a lot of other countries women are still treated like object. . . but that IS NOT happening here. Which is why it is kind of silly to be focusing on video games of all things when there is still horrible shit happening in the world to women and men.


      • Richard

        December 4, 2014 at 15:09

        • Tom Krager

          December 4, 2014 at 15:27

          all the forms of “objectification” you game me are all enacted on men equally . .. these aren’t even real examples of objectification. Maybe the loosest definition possible . If you treat someone as an object you don’t see them as human. How does a brothel demonstrate men seeing women as simply objects and not provides of a service? By that loose definition I objectify my doctor every time I go see him.
          Non-sense .. . all of it. And its the biggest reason I reject feminism. You have to accept non-sense notions of reality that unfairly frame things to victimize women. Make women the victim in all forms of life regardless of how they are actually being treated.


          • Richard

            December 4, 2014 at 15:43

            Well, I guess that settles it then. Tom Krager has definitively proved that objectification of women in the first world does not exist. What do all those academics know anyway…. ladies just like to make a fuss about everything.

            I’d suggest you post these findings for review in academia, it’ll definitely save a lot of people a lot of effort in trying to understand and analyze the sexual objectification of woman.

            Like my mom use to say: “Laat so n brein nou moet vrot…”

      • Sam Wright

        December 4, 2014 at 15:11

        Tom it is happening in Western countries.


        • Tom Krager

          December 4, 2014 at 15:21

          Not even close .. . women are treated like human being in the western world. anyone who says otherwise is clearly reaching VERY VERY hard. Women are not systematically held down in any manner anymore. In fact, they have more reproductive rights then men.


          • Sam Wright

            December 4, 2014 at 15:32

            Tom you’re entitled to an opinion so I’m not going to argue with it. You may find, though, that in time it will change. Sexual harassment, human trafficking, rape, young girls being sold by their parents on porn sites for the pleasure of adult men… it’s happening in the Western World.

          • Tom Krager

            December 4, 2014 at 15:40

            and the same things happens to young boys . .. you realize the number of young boys that are sexually assaulted? This isn’t about rare cases of human trafficking. This is about daily life for average women . .. Women are not considered objects culturally by any meaningful definition. Women aren’t even raped at higher numbers then men if you consider prison rape. Nor would male rapes be that far behind if you didn’t include them . . .
            I mean, from the definition of rape all the way to how police handle sexual assault or domestic abuse cases .. . a lot of things within our system favor women. Yet I see no mention of any of these things by feminists.

          • Sam Wright

            December 4, 2014 at 15:54

            Thank you for speaking on behalf of women and telling us about the daily life for an average one. You should add this skill to your LinkedIn profile. I’ll endorse you.

          • Tom Krager

            December 4, 2014 at 16:00

            why is it wrong to speak for other people about their life? All the crime stats seem to prove that most women ARE NTO treated this way. So why exactly are you given me a sarcastic message? Also, Being a man does not make you incapable of noticing the daily life of the women around me. Are you saying you have a vastly increased indication of the average woman’s life simply because you are a woman? you speak for all women then because you are one>?

          • Sam Wright

            December 4, 2014 at 16:09

            I’d never be so egotistical and presumptuous as to think I could speak on behalf of anyone but myself.

          • Tom Krager

            December 4, 2014 at 16:14

            Well when statistics exists you should feel free in making generalizations regarding those statistics. And I am not speaking for someone’s personal experiences. . . I am speaking for the average women. Statistics exist SPECIFICALLY to make generalized statement about populations.

      • Exalted Overlord Geoffrey Tim

        December 4, 2014 at 16:12

        Of course they are,. Don’t be daft.


        • Tom Krager

          December 4, 2014 at 16:19

          Objects are owned .. . where are the examples of owned women? Do you own one? because I don’t . . . Even when I devoted my life to a woman, I still never got to sign a slip of ownership.


  20. Eric

    December 4, 2014 at 13:32

    I’m not sure if I should congratulate Lazygamer or be disappointed
    that you guys are also jumping on the Anita Sarkeesian bandwagon.

    I think it’s just that guys and girls see things differently. You can’t make a game that would appeal to EVERYBODY. You still have to have a target market.

    It’s amazing how people can take a side based on what Anita says, especially when she’s actually making a profit out of all of this.

    Also, being a straight, white male doesn’t give you all that much privilege these days when you live in good ol’ SA.

    Gaming has always been an escape for me. The whole point is for it to be over the top and unrealistic. Otherwise I’d just be reading the news.



    • CAE9872

      December 4, 2014 at 13:42

      Hahaha as a boy all I wanted was to look that big and muscly (although the evil-ness of Skeletor was cool)! Now, I am old(er), fatter, wiser…its OK not to look like that. We all grow up at some point and realise the “fantasy” isn’t always attainable.


      • Captain JJ the fair

        December 4, 2014 at 13:45

        Interestingly though, if you’re going on what’s on tv and such these days. If a woman is in shape they’re seen as attractive, but a guy has to have carved abs and bulging biceps to be attractive.
        Unfortunately for me I look like the new Sonic.


        • CAE9872

          December 4, 2014 at 13:52

          Man I haven’t laughed that hard in a while!


        • CAE9872

          December 4, 2014 at 13:53

          Just for you – refresh perhaps.


        • Eric

          December 4, 2014 at 13:56

          I also think that women are meaner and more judgmental toward other women than guys are to women. Trying to counter the whole media “expectations” with “real women have curves” campaign is such idiocy. All of a sudden skinny women aren’t real women anymore. Real women have vaginas. Last time I checked that was the criteria. Not whether you’re skinny or fat or about what you wear.


          • Anon A Mouse

            December 4, 2014 at 13:58

            No all women have vaginas. You’re projecting your notion of what a woman should be onto the whole population.

          • Eric

            December 4, 2014 at 14:04

            Is the “No” suppose to be followed by a “t” or a “,”? Because that can swing your comment to either way 😛

          • Anon A Mouse

            December 4, 2014 at 14:05

            Edited thank you.

          • Eric

            December 4, 2014 at 16:07

            Well then my reply to that would be that I guess that’s just my unrealistic standard for women 😛

      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 14:15

        Speak for yourself. I’ll still look like He-Man one day… one day.


        • Captain JJ the fair

          December 4, 2014 at 14:20

          I doubt there is any man in this entire universe that can pull off a blonde bob.


        • CAE9872

          December 4, 2014 at 14:27

          Ha! From what I see of you lately you going to turn into a frikkin’ Warframe! Just haven’t decided which one yet!


          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 14:29

            lol! I don’t think they have a big-boned Warframe, unless Rhino counts.

          • Captain JJ the fair

            December 4, 2014 at 14:33

            I can confirm this.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 14:46

            Oh, that reminds me. You can buy an Xmas decoration kit for the Liset on the market for 1 lousy little credit, not platinum, credit.

            It does your whole cockpit up with Xmas decorations, lights, snow & even a snowman. With a little jingle playing too. It’s so cool. And there’s a candy cane weapon.

          • CAE9872

            December 4, 2014 at 15:02

            I tried to pop-in the other day on PS4 and it updated and seemed all fine…then crashed. So must try and fire it up again.

    • Alien Emperor Trevor

      December 4, 2014 at 14:27

      Well, just to purely touch on the profit part – that’s what people were saying about Al Gore and climate change when he released An Inconvenient Truth all those years ago. In itself saying money is involved doesn’t mean much when money is involved in everything, on both sides in most cases.


      • Eric

        December 4, 2014 at 16:05

        That still doesn’t take away from the fact that she is currently doing this as her main form of income though. She won’t see things or mention things in an objective light. That would go against what gives her an income. Like a sales rep that works for commission, but selling the competitor’s product. It just won’t happen.

        Unrelated. It completely annoys me that this article is going to be the one with the article with the most comments for this week. She doesn’t deserve the exposure IMO.


  21. Tbone187

    December 4, 2014 at 13:35

    Games are made for a target audience…Failing to do so would mean directionless marketing which would mean loss in profit, ultimately.This is a pointless debate and people should really just get over it.Men and women have general traits which ”mankind” (no pun intended) will always follow.


  22. Juan

    December 4, 2014 at 13:42

    exactly when did being a gamer stop being about playing games? i think i missed it


  23. CAE9872

    December 4, 2014 at 13:44

    There is no doubt that gaming has moved away from the “nerdy dude in the darkened room.”


    • Rags

      December 4, 2014 at 13:48

      Its now nerdy dude in the office 😛


  24. Her Highness the Hipster

    December 4, 2014 at 13:49

    I would just like to point out that two of our straight male journos have written opposing opinion pieces… and i disagree with both of them. Both make some valid points, but neither of them have any experience with the thing that they are trying to discuss. I’m glad we’re debating the topic, but it’s tiresome when people pretend to know how it feels, or try to tell me how i feel or should feel.


    • Rags

      December 4, 2014 at 13:51

      Yes, I can understand that just as Anita tell us how we males feel when we drag female corpses in Hitman. I somehow get a boner every time I do that according to her.


      • Her Highness the Hipster

        December 4, 2014 at 13:51

        exactly! not all men, not all women, etc.


      • Captain JJ the fair

        December 4, 2014 at 13:59

        Don’t forget that ALL straight men love big breasts and wide butts.
        Screw this generalisation kak. I am a gamer and that’s it. I have a beautiful girlfriend who is perfect in my eyes and that’s all that matters. We game together and if “normal” people frown at us when we tell them, fuck em.


        • Alien Emperor Trevor

          December 4, 2014 at 14:23

          “girlfriend” lol. You kidder. ;P


          • Tom Krager

            December 4, 2014 at 14:56

            top being sexist . . . just because he is a male on the internet claiming to have a sexual partner does not mean you need to stereotype him.

          • Alien Emperor Trevor

            December 4, 2014 at 15:16

            Every male on the internet has two sexual partners. 😉

      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 14:12

        She used the whole stripper cake thing as an example didn’t she? When I heard that I switched off.


      • Dutch Matrix

        December 4, 2014 at 14:17

        You get a stiff from dragging a stiff…


    • Anon A Mouse

      December 4, 2014 at 13:52

      I totally agree with you. As a male you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t, so why not brush it aside and continue gaming while the feminists in the know youtube their feelings about it.


    • Dutch Matrix

      December 4, 2014 at 14:02

      Zoe, I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Honestly.


      • Deceased

        December 4, 2014 at 14:15

        Right about now she’s probably going: “hmmm I’m not touching this can of worms with a 10-foot pole” 😀


    • Gavin Mannion

      December 4, 2014 at 14:17

      “but neither of them have any experience with the thing that they are trying to discuss”

      There is a difference between having no experience and not having experienced it.


    • Matthew Holliday

      December 4, 2014 at 14:39

      i think her content is too weak to warrant you ending your comment with such a pointy finger.
      arguing semantics over her is hardly worth the effort.


      • Alien Emperor Trevor

        December 4, 2014 at 14:47

        Which her are you talking about, Sandy or Gavin? 😉

        (Yes, I KNOW who you meant.)


    • Tom Krager

      December 4, 2014 at 14:55

      I hate when ppl play the “you don’t know because you aren’t a women” card .. .as if being a man removes the ability to empathize. What if your complains just aren’t valid? Ever think about that?


      • Matthew Holliday

        December 4, 2014 at 14:59

        women are another species, apparently we simply cannot comprehend the scope of their powers


        • Tom Krager

          December 4, 2014 at 15:02

          their minds are too vast and comprehensive. We are but puny men.


          • Deceased

            December 4, 2014 at 15:10

            Being part of the teams writing the games that they’re complaining about…

    • Sam Wright

      December 4, 2014 at 15:12

      I’d wife you right now 😉


    • Sageville

      December 4, 2014 at 20:20

      Would you write us a more valid perspective piece please.


    • Caveshen Rajman

      December 5, 2014 at 21:43

      With all due respect to you because I completely agree that men cannot speak on behalf of women:

      “neither of them have any experience with the thing that they are trying to discuss”

      But this is a video about being a straight white male. I’m pretty sure they’ve got more experience than anyone.

      Unless this video is not about straight white males but actually about everyone else, in which case should it not also be appropriate to discuss being black, or poor, not just being female? And if it’s specifically about being female then why is the video labelled at straight white males, unless it’s meant as an attack on them? It’s not okay for men to think they know women, I absolutely agree, so then why is it okay for the reverse?

      And if it were the other way around would you then agree that it would be labelled as shaming?


  25. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 14:26

    What a load of craaaaap!

    “but that doesn’t change the fact that the majority of games are still predominantly marketed to satiate a male power fantasy” What the $%#@? Are you serious? Please post citations to psychological studies proving this and name me the games that ppl play simply to play to their power fantasies.


  26. tootoo

    December 4, 2014 at 14:30

    What about being a N00b 🙁


    • Captain JJ the fair

      December 4, 2014 at 14:33

      Fuck it irritates me when people say that.


  27. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 14:32

    . “Her videos may not always support her claims with a soundly structured argument, but that doesn’t always matter. What matters is that her points are all still extremely valid, completely viable points”

    WTF!?!?! this is gibberish .. . are you telling me even though she fails at her support her arguments they are still viable? How so? Care to explain how this isn’t just an assertion?

    “to a community that has been indoctrinated to believe that gaming, at it’s core, is a male hobby, it makes no sense.”
    Give me an example of one person who thinks this way? This is such a straw man. Anyone who doesn’t agree with Anita is just somehow angry that women want inclusion in gaming. I love the idea of women in gaming, just not at the cost of the games I like to play.


    • Deceased

      December 4, 2014 at 15:04

      Upvote the last part!!!

      “I love the idea of women in gaming, just not at the cost of the games I like to play.”

      I can support this… there are subgenres of subgenres of games, and an insane amount of games out there… you can choose what you play and you can choose how you want to play it…

      I love playing online games such as DotA 2 and getting a female of the same level as myself in the matchmaking – it’s like a breath of fresh air ( usually those games tend to be less serious and have a less toxic atmosphere ) or even when they’re new – It’s as if the whole team bombards her with so much info that it’s comically distracting. I even enjoy the odd cultural diversity you see every now and then… I’ve played with some insanely good DotA 2 games with gamers of Indian origin and enjoyed it.

      Why would I want to support an ideology that threatens what I like? It’s just not logical.

      As someone who believes he is seriously capable of writing games, and also someone who is a spiteful, vindictive asshole… The moment my vice gets ruined by money-hungry people, I’ll set out on a campaign to win back those subgenres of gaming, just because I’m that kind of prick, which in turn will probably attract big studios to start writing games of the genre again, thus creating a circle-effect… Just saying… Pointless remains pointless… :/


    • Rags

      December 4, 2014 at 15:36

      Dude, you win.


  28. Sexist dogg

    December 4, 2014 at 14:32

    She just needs a good dicking.


  29. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 14:33

    “Yes, the majority of AAA sales do tip the scales favourably towards men – a factor that publishers can’t ignore – but could that be because woman feel excluded? Definitely.”
    really? maybe just maybe it’s because the majority of games have historically been made by men? To please themselves more so then anyone else . . . . could that MAYBE be the cause? Let me guess, no?


  30. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 14:35

    “Sometimes we are bullied, or subjected to online nastiness. But it’s not based on or because of our gender.”
    No but we do get it based on you voices, age, weight, sexual orientation, or anything else that any random troll on the internet decides to give someone shot over. The only difference is we don’t group together and complain about it. Maybe it has to do with thick skin?


    • Quo Vadis?

      December 4, 2014 at 15:07

      I constantly got insulted and booted off of Counter Strike. Why? Cause I am a horribly bad online gamer. Team kills/ Friendly fire etc. So maybe I should also wave my flag hahahaha


      • Tom Krager

        December 4, 2014 at 15:08

        yes, we should all speak out as bad gamers and demand ppl let us into their clans!


    • Deceased

      December 4, 2014 at 15:12

      Thick skin?!?!

      Naw man, it’s all about the Adams-apple XD


  31. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 14:37

    “If you still find yourself brushing off claims of sexism in gaming but still hope to see a time where everyone can truly just enjoy the game they want to play, then I implore you to consider if that’s something you actually believe in.”
    unless you like games with sexily clad women .. . or anything that feminists and SJW’s dictate isn’t culturally appropriate


  32. William Francis

    December 4, 2014 at 14:39

    hit dat refresh!

    Side Note: I don’t agree so much bro


  33. Rock789

    December 4, 2014 at 14:46

    I will just say this on the matter – grouping someone under 1 banner simply because of their gender or a defining characteristic of their genetics is WRONG!! No matter what the reason, what the context, where it takes place, who does it… IT IS WRONG!!

    I mean, if you are going to generalise so much and at such a high level, does that mean every German is a Nazi (P.S. I’m 1/2 German and love the non-Nazi parts of my heritage, just in case anyone thinks I’m being nasty to Germans just ’cause…)? Or, at an even higher level, that because 90% of all serial killers are white males, that every white male on the planet must be a killer at heart?! I mean, come on – it’s logic like that that makes all of us more stupid for having heard / read it!

    As for Anita – I think the fight she’s fighting is valid. I think the way she’s going about fighting it is questionable!


  34. Ross Woofels Mason

    December 4, 2014 at 14:55

    Again 95% of these are not really benefits of being a white male.

    Not being attacked because of your gender, race or sexuality is not a benefit. It’s not a con either, it’s nothing. I gain nothing from not being attacked nor do I loose anything from being attacked.

    All these points should not be between the sexes or race, they should just be how to treat your fellow human regardless of those points.

    Yes women have more shit to deal with and it’s not right, but all these articles about the unseen “benefits” of being a white male gamer are bullshit.

    Everyone needs to stop pointing out the gender, race and sexual preference cards and just be decent to whoever you are talking to regardless.


  35. Tom Krager

    December 4, 2014 at 15:00

    I think a bigger sexist issue in this country is young boys getting part of their penis cut off at birth . . . that’s just me though. Call me a misogynist if you must.


  36. Rowan Govender

    December 4, 2014 at 15:05

    I await the day that women’s romance novels go mainstream so that I can pull apart how sexist and unrealistic their portrayal of men are.


    • Raptor Rants A Lot

      December 4, 2014 at 15:05

      They are mainstream to woman. Men can’t get in on it because it doesn’t cater to us. We should complain


      • Richard

        December 4, 2014 at 15:08

        Do you want them to cater to men more? How man of these novels do you enjoy and how has being excluded affected your enjoyment of them?


      • Quo Vadis?

        December 4, 2014 at 15:08

        I thought that’s what hustler honeys are for???????????


        • Raptor Rants A Lot

          December 4, 2014 at 15:13



      • Tom Krager

        December 4, 2014 at 15:10

        why? So we can be exactly like the extreme feminists out there? Screw that .. . I don’t wanna be like them.


        • Raptor Rants A Lot

          December 4, 2014 at 15:13



    • tootoo

      December 4, 2014 at 15:06

      I thought they already were?


  37. Communinja

    December 4, 2014 at 15:33

    How is it still surprising that ‘some people are just a**h***s.’ They may not be towards everyone, or specific demographics. Welcome to humanity.


  38. Sageville

    December 4, 2014 at 17:00

    Now I’m not going into the merits of Anita’s agenda, we can analyse it, maybe it’s exaggerated some points for effect, but I think we can all agree that some of her points are indeed valid.

    I’m a straight white South African male gamer (SWSAMG).

    As such, I do get some “Hidden privileges”, it takes a bit of self-reflection to identify these privileges, some people don’t see it, but it is there regardless, like most things that make us uncomfortable, we sometimes choose to ignore them, that’s a normal reaction.

    Now, it does sound unfair doesn’t it. I didn’t ask for said privilege, I didn’t actively contribute to the situation producing this privilege and I can’t realistically avoid or discard this privilege. Now people outside of the SWSAMG category point fingers at me for having this privilege! That too feels unfair….I feel persecuted for something I have no or little control of…. this feeling of persecution is also a normal

    Those feels come from the fact that as humans, we find it very difficult to separate a finger pointing at the “Game” as opposed to a finger pointed at the “Player”. Identify this disparity and the all those chains of guilt will fall from you like something that really really falls from stuff….

    To deal with these feels we go one of 2 routes:

    1.) We can deny, ignore or attack the source of the finger pointing.
    2.) We can accept the finger pointing as valid and move on or try to fix the problem at the source if there is a solution that we can actually implement.

    Route 1 is problematic, because no matter how much denying/attacking we do, the problem will never go away.

    Route 2 is problematic, because it means we need to swallow our pride and come to terms with our role in the problem. Sometimes our role is only to be part of the SWSAMG group, sometimes we are actively contributing to the problem.

    Remember, it costs nothing to dump some pride.

    So, take some time for a bit of self reflection, pick a route and accept the consequences.


  39. odrakir

    December 4, 2014 at 17:46

    This is complete garbage. 99% of male gamers won’t do the crap that is talked about in the video. Yet we must feel guilty, and be generalized. In this whole feminist movement males are the real victims; not females. Stop with this unfounded liberal crap. Just as there are a few bad apples from the male camp, there are females who genuinely enjoy the attention. Stop generalizing.

    Sarkeesian has been proven to be a fraud and not a real gamer. She loves to feel victimised and is getting pretty rich doing so.

    Seriously Alessandro, on a slow news day, rather post an actual picture of dog crap. It is way more enjoyable than this kindergarden journalism.


  40. eriannamoric

    December 5, 2014 at 09:43

    vMy lover dumped me for any another woman he met on the internet on a dating site, and we separated with my two son after 8 years of marriage, and also i really love him, so i contacted Doctor Akim for a love spell to get my Husband back, to my greatest surprise he cast a love binding spell to get him back for me and my lover came back after 48 hours. i will advice you anyone looking for any kind of spell should contact Doctor Akin via email address: { amormedico@hotmail.com }

    From: Ontario

    Name : Erianna Moric


    • Majik

      December 5, 2014 at 13:12

      Maybe he dumped you because you spend too much time on the internet?


  41. Caveshen Rajman

    December 5, 2014 at 21:28

    Alessandro I too feel terrible about being a straight white male gamer. There there…


  42. Glenn Hefley

    December 6, 2014 at 07:01

    I really would like to see an article some day that was on Objectification which actually addressed what it means, as it was designed and written about but the authrors of the framework theorem in 1997.It would be so nice to see because it would be such a clear sign that we were dropping the weapons and taking steps to heal wounds. I get all of the confusion of this issue, I really do. I understand, but I lack understanding of why it persists over and over without reaching for the sources.

    Barbara L. Fedrickson, a psychologist, and Tomi-Ann Roberts, also a psychologist were the authors of Objectification theory. They came up with it in 1997. Reading the paper they published on this subject .. is disconcerting to me but some how liberating for many women. They came to this theory through the suggestion that the human body is constructed (physically built) not only through biological changes of growth and environment, but through sociocultural practices and discourse. — so to break this down and reiterate what we are agreeing to — The female body, as she walks through her day, collects and stores the negativity and sexual description, as well as the denoted value directed at her from the mouths of men, the posters on the wall, the cat-calls from the street, and the commercials on her TV.These energies churn in her and not only affect her mentally, but express themselves physically – bending her back, stooping her shoulders and sinking her eyes. That is the core of Objectification theory.

    Now.. first of all, no, you can not objectify a man. The theory only describes the effects to a woman. Men are not arranged and developed by their environments or how you act toward them. If you say to a man “You’re a f-*ing sexist pig” it hurts.It bothers us. We will evaluate ourselves, take stock. Pause perhaps. But you are not altering us by these words. Nor do we objectify each other, or ourselves.

    Second.. Objectification is only a framework theorem. It is not even a full theory,and no empirical data has ever been collected to move it forward. None needs to be gathered. It is a framework.It is .. well .. like a box you can safely play with other toys inside, without having to understand them completely. It is a Virtual World of sorts. As ta framework it still assists researcher to this day. Over 1800 papers have been written using this framework. It is considered very valuable.But it does’t describe anything that is going on in the real world. You are not being objectified.It doesn’t work that way.

    So, the next year Nita May Mckinley published –“Gender Differences, in an undergraduate body esteem. The mediating effect of objectified boy consciousness and actual/ideal weight discrepancy — Sex Roles 39 1-2 –” That was basically a horror story which tried ot use the publication as if it were gods law on how the female body performed in social environments. I can’t imagine reading that and believing that was happening to me — would have scarred me for life. But then came Banishing the Beast, and A Mind of Ones Own, followed later with a clear left hook coming in from “Jane sexes it up: True confessions of feminist desire” by. Merri Lisa Johnson Now.. that is a mix for absolute confusion — if you don’t realize that Objectification Therory is not what you have been hearing in the magazines or at the coffee shop.

    Most of the studies reaching back for the Objectification Theory are along the lines of Body Image Dissatisfaction and Depressive Symptoms. All of the ones I read show that the women,( both heterosexual and lesbian) find dissatisfaction with their bodies, and are more nervous about how they look if they believe they will soon begin a position of being judged, but all of them only show these limited depths in effect. An increase in active friendships, a increase in exercise, moral support, a loving relationship , all banish these feelings away like mist. Over and over again the framework offers a stable place to posit an idea from, but not a place available to land back down on. The internalization expected from the description of Objectification, simply doesn’t materialize into a physical or mentally altering state. It just doesn’t happen.
    No empirical data is ever gathered.

    Tomi-Ann Roberts (one of the authors) returned to Colorado College, with much different ideas on her mind, most of them going toward the essay of Rebecca Walker.

    Roberts does three papers, which attempt to clarify the theory for her, but wind up pulling her down an unexpected direction. Then, in the Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology Roberts gives us a glimpse and then a flood of this unexpected direction the work has led her too. (p.78)

    … according to the position that we have provided, objectification of women serves an important existential function — it strips them of their creaturely connection and thus provides psychic protection from the threat of death. Thus it is not surprising that women objectify other women, additionally , it is also not surprising that women also objectify their own bodies, a phenomenon referred to as “self-objectification” and demonstrated by numerous studies …”

    The 180 degree turn on what objectification is, and what it means, and who it means it too, is quite radical. However Roberts in her return to Colorado will hold on to these ideas, as well as refining them. It is always a noteworthy trait of a researcher to be able to drop their preconceived ideas and accept the direction further research reveals. It is unfortunate this trait is not as prevalent as it could be.

    I do hope this clears some things up for you, because the way I have observed some women damaging themselves over the misconceptions prevalent on this topic, is very disturbing.


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