Home Gaming Heart of the Swarm still about 18 months away

Heart of the Swarm still about 18 months away

1 min read

It’s not exactly unexpected, but it’s Vader-angst inducing nonetheless. Greg Canessa, the project director for Battle.net recently did a presentation at the GDC Online conference in Texas, where he elaborated on the upcoming features to Battle.net as “a main area of focus we’re going to be seeing on the StarCraft side over the next 18 months between now and Heart of the Swarm.”

It’s somewhat of an accidental slip for a tentative release date, but it’s the most concrete forecast received from Blizzard so far. The second instalment into the StarCraft II trilogy won’t be making an appearance at Blizzcon this year, which kicks off in about two weeks.

Blizzard is notorious for lengthy gaps between its releases. One need only look towards the World of Warcraft expansions that had close to two years between them, with the Cataclysm expansion still to release this December.

Heart of the Swarm will continue the StarCraft II saga but will focus on the Zerg. After the cliff-hanger ending to Wings of Liberty I’m really looking forward to this middle chapter.

Source: Gamespot

Last Updated: October 8, 2010


  1. Title Image: Nuff Said


  2. Que

    October 8, 2010 at 20:26

    18 months 🙁
    Yeah Blizz is known for lengthy gaps between expansions, but I hoped it wouldn’t mean a whole year and a half before our next fix of SC campaigning.

    You can be the biggest fanboy/girl of Blizz and still be disappointed by this :ermm:


  3. J

    October 9, 2010 at 07:55

    Just add the normal blizzard delay time as well and you get 2 years of wait.


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