Home Gaming Fancy a bottle of some Bioshock Infinite vigour?

Fancy a bottle of some Bioshock Infinite vigour?

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Bioshock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite is a pretty damn good game, with a trippy story and some great characters thrown into the mix. While the game gives you plenty of guns with which to tell a tale about how violence is bad, there’s also powers derived from bottles of vigours in the game. And those bottles look pretty rad with their funkadelic designs. Don’t you wish that you could own one? Well, now you can.

DeviantARTist JouzuMania has begun developing papercraft models for all the vigors found in Bioshock Infinite. So far, JouzuMania has crafted Salts, Undertow, Murder of crows and Shock jockey bottles, with four more on the way.

And to make one of those bottles for yourself, all you have to do is hit this link and print it out for yourself. And follow the instructions, I guess. And not put any hallucinogenic chemicals in the bottles. This is papercraft after all.

Last Updated: May 22, 2013


  1. What link does one print? Very cool!


    • ElimiNathan

      May 22, 2013 at 21:06

      n00bs shall be n00bs 😛 – http://vigors.jimdo.com/


      • Rince an repeat

        May 22, 2013 at 21:11

        I get to my knee, Sir! I’m on my smartphone… You remember that thing most of us said we would never need:) And now can’t live without;) hehe, long day, and thanks for the rightly sensei punch to my stupid part:)


        • Admiral Chief Commander

          May 23, 2013 at 07:47

          lol @ “punch to my stupid part”


  2. ElimiNathan

    May 22, 2013 at 21:07

    This is quite cool, will get my gf to make them all for me 😀


  3. Johan du Preez

    May 22, 2013 at 21:37

    epic nice find


  4. Admiral Chief Commander

    May 23, 2013 at 07:47



    • Major Commodore 64 Darryn B

      May 23, 2013 at 08:12

      It’s dead Jim.


      • Admiral Chief Commander

        May 23, 2013 at 08:19

        I know man, I know. Does not stop me from missing it 🙁


      • Rince an repeat

        May 23, 2013 at 08:30

        Don’t suppose you people would take free articles for Tegatoooooooo?


  5. Trevor Davies

    May 23, 2013 at 08:05

    When I first saw the headline I misread “vigour” as “vinegar”. I need stronger coffee stat!


    • Admiral Chief Commander

      May 23, 2013 at 08:06

      Hehe, I hear ya man

      *runs off to ye ol’ magic coffee machine*


  6. Admiral Chief Commander

    May 23, 2013 at 08:05

    Met ys?


  7. Tasty peas mixed with porridge

    May 23, 2013 at 08:40

    This is why the PS360 will be around for another 5 years. We do not need to upgrade yet when games like Bioshock 3 are pure art as it is. You do not need more polygons to enjoy rich narrative. Hell, I still play Final Fantasy 7-9 on the PS1.

    The next gen is a bloated cat waiting to be stroked by the people who find a bowl of OATS mesmerising (as Jim would say lol).

    So FORZA 7 or whatever it is, I cant keep count anymore, will have perfectly round cup holders in the car interiors? WHOOPIE DOOOOO.

    I feel for all those early adopters and their angry faces when the usual 33% Hardware failure rates start showing up.


    • Rince an repeat

      May 23, 2013 at 09:05

      I wasn’t that impressed with Jim Sterling to be honest with you. 15 minutes into the announcement his twitter feed showed that no matter what MS announced, he was dead against it from the beginning. That is not journalism. He then spent the hour saying things like ‘we want to know the specs’ and then ‘enough on the specs’, it was like he was an enraged animal. Remember when we were younger and our parents wouldn’t know how to operate a cellphone, or when you had your last kak phone, and were like, I don’t need anything else, it does it’s job. Well you have a Galaxy Ace now, it does what it is supposed to do, and MORE. If MS can create games for the new system, then the haters will be silenced. It ALSO has kinetic etc. But yes, I won’t be running out day one and buying either of the next gens. I want to get a Slim, maybe even a PS3, and play the vast range of awesome games that are available still.


      • Tasty peas mixed with porridge

        May 23, 2013 at 09:12

        This gen is still in its prime and unlike the PS2 that had a 12 year life span, the graphical jump this gen is not as huge as the last.

        The next gen is going to have a VERY VERY slow start. This gen only broke 10million sales after 2 years. Yet GAMES cant capture 3% of the 140 million 7th gen consoles today.

        Still early days, but one can be sure that there is no need for the next gen for another 5 years.


        • Rince an repeat

          May 23, 2013 at 10:34

          That’s what I am thinking, which in one way is why MS is clever, they are offering an entertainment hub, with a console that is more powerful than this gen, attached. It’s going to take a while for the developers to start working out how to unlock the full potential. The thing I also wonder about is the new work model. Machine can do more, meaning more textures rendered, more people doing that, more people coding, more clever concepts, more clever visual effects, etc. That is going to require MORE PEOPLE. $60 a game? Fuck off, more like $70-$80.


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